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The element sky

Sky is one of the four base elements said to compose all of reality. Lofty, vast and only partially visible, the sky is only divisible by imaginary boundaries, though it is often separated from the earth by artificial ones. Sky is representative of not only the visible expanse of the heavens, but freedom, unity, and the un or only partially seen. To those that believe sky is one of the basic building blocks of reality, its influence can be found in the moon, maelstrom, snow, hanging above any landscape open to the air, and in said air and any vapor that composes it; from toxic gas to clouds.

Cult of the elementalist: sky denomination

Members of the cult of elementalist may revere sky above all of the other elements or have joined or been born into a society who's reverence for sky predates modern elementalism. Groups who believed in the importance of sky even before elementalism was widespread, are, unlike the other denominations, true nomads. While they tend to shy away from certain areas such as caves all other landscapes are known to them. They call the sky the great unifier, believing that all men need it to be whole, and that just as the skies don't change with who lives under them, parts of men remain the same no matter where they are from or what culture they belong to. They tend to blend in with the traditions of whatever land they inhabit at the time. It is only in their forrest burial grounds, a place representative of the transition between life and death as the sky which unites all human life can only partially be seen, that their own traditions can be fully observed. It is also, given the easy access to height via the trees, the place where their archers are most deadly, as anyone who trespasses uninvited will soon learn.

Classes associated with sky

As a magical class you can generally spend your turn (spending your turn Immediately ends it, not allowing you to do anything else) on one of three things.​​

  1. A "basic magic attack". Do 1 hit of damage associated with your classes element to an enemy up to 12 spaces away so long as you do not move more than 3 spaces on the turn you use it.

  2. A "basic spell". spend elemental charges (the main resource that is spent on abilities) to do damage associated with that element to an entity within 6 spaces. 1 charge for 3 damage 2 for 5 and 3 for 6.

  3. Spend elemental charges on "spells" from your classes spell list. The cost of each spell is also listed, rules for casting spells with multiple charge types are described in how to play-multi class benefits. Additive spells allow you to cast one other spell along side of it, spending your turn casting both simultaneously. Focus spells allow you to continue part or all of the effect on subsequent turns, spending one charge of any type but not spending your turn on that effect other than the turn you initially cast the spell. Spells have a range of 6 spaces unless stated otherwise and their damage type corresponds to their element.


Sky mage:

  • Leveling benefits:

  • level 1 +3 sky charges

  • level 2 +3 sky charges

  • level 3 +2 sky charges

  • level 4 +3 sky charges

  • level 5 +2 sky charges


  • Sky spells:

  • Free from spell casting: 1 charge, signature, additive. The next time you cast a spell you cast on the same turn as this one, you can cast it without spending your turn.

  • Clear air: 1 charge, signature, a single space clears of all inhibitors and takes on the appearance of blue sky. Anything in the space is pushed out of it, taking 3 hits if applicable. Projectiles cannot pass through this space for 3 turns. (Can also be placed above an entity to protect them from above).

  • Ethereal grace: 2 charges, focus, signature the users movement increases by 2 spaces and they can pass through all obstructions, any enemies they pass through begin to dematerialize taking 2 hits. This effect ends on your next turn without focus. If you cast this again while focusing on it and occupying the same space as an enemy you deal 6 hits.

  • Deluge: 3 charges, blue sky crashes down on a 2 square by 3 square rectangle dealing 2 hits when cast and 2 hits to any entity that ends their turn within or willingly moves onto it, and decreasing the movement of any who are already within it or pass through by 3 spaces. The sky leaks through the ceiling of enclosed areas before crashing down. This lasts 6 turns. 

  • Torrent: 3 charges, any entity over a 2 space by 3 space rectangle is tossed up as the air rises to meet the sky, they take 4 hits upon landing, and are disarmed if they are holding weapons and must spend a turn picking them up if they wish to use them later. In any space that overlaps with the environmental effect of deluge, enemies cannot move on their next turn but are not launched. Additionally they take 8 hits from crushing force instead of 4 from falling but are not disarmed.

  • All clear: four charges, a space has all obstructions between it and the heavens cast aside. An enemy in this space takes 10 hits and is incapacitated for a turn after being pushed out of the space. All obstructions between that space and the sky such as ceilings are destroyed and flying enemies above that space suffer the same effect as grounded ones in it.

  • Flight: four charges, focus, movement is omnidirectional and the player does not fall unless they choose to, this spell ends your next turn without focus. If the spell is ended while the player is in the air they do not take fall damage returning to the ground.

  • Thinning air: five charges, signature, the air thins as it would higher in the atmosphere. All enemies are weakened significantly, dealing half damage rounded up. Your magic protects you and your allies from this effect, this attack ends next turn without focus.


  • Aurora: 4 charges, ice and sky, all enemies are distracted a turn.

  • Cloud: 3 charges sky and water, in a 2 square by 3 square rectangle a cloud appears that obstructs vision and blinds all within it. This lasts for six turns.

  • Meteor: 5 charges, deal 15 hits on a 2 space by 2 space square.

  • Starlight: 5 charges, sky and fire, if it is cast during the day deal 2 hits to all enemies each turn, if cast during the night, the environment becomes light as day. This effect fades your next turn without focus and cannot be used if the sky is not exposed.

  • Armageddon: 4 charges, rock ice fire and water, 4 hits to all enemies, or 16 to a single one.

  • Black hole: 8 charges, all elements, kill all enemies with under 50 max hit points.


As a physical class you can generally spend your turn (spending your turn Immediately ends it, not allowing you to do anything else) on one of three things.​

  1. Do a “basic attack” that has different properties based on the weapon involved.

  2. Use a “free technique”, that does not require spending charges to use but may not be accessible until you reach a certain level in your class. Free techniques labeled as passive are always in effect, and you do not need to spend a turn or even "use" them. Other free techniques that are exceptions will specify that they do not require spending a turn.

  3. Use a “charge technique”, which requires you to spend charges to activate and has a damage type corresponding to your classes element. The cost of each charge technique is listed, rules for using charge techniques when you have multiple charge types are described in how to play. charge techniques that are exceptions will specify that they do not require spending a turn



  • Leveling:

  • Level 1 +3 sky charges

  • Level 2 you do +1 hit to targets over 3 spaces away

  • Level 3 +2 sky charges

  • Level 4 you do +1 hit to targets over 3 spaces away.

  • Level 5 +2 sky charges


  • Basic attacks: 

  • Bow attack: shoot an arrow up to 6 spaces away for 2 hits damage.


  • Free techniques:

  • Level 1 passive, pierce: when you shoot an enemy, any enemy between you and that enemy on a line is also damaged by the attack. 

  • Level 2 passive, well protected: If behind cover damage from ranged attacks is decreased by an additional two hits and you gain the benefits of cover from any attack coming from an enemy six ft lower than you .

  • Level 3 passive, well hidden: you are unseen by enemies if behind cover and can attack twice before losing the non-hostile or unseen condition if you do not move.

  • Level 4 passive, sharpshooter: if you spend your turn without moving, you do one additional hit for each space further away from you than 6 an enemy you damage is. Each 6 ft of elevation you have over an entity increases the distance you can reach it with a ranged attack by 1 space.

  • Level 5 swift shooting: you can shoot a second less accurate arrow. When spend your turn on a basic attack on an entity, you perform a basic attack on any entity on that space or a line that connects you to it at the start of your next turn without spending that turn.


  • Charge techniques:

  • Long shot 1: 1 charge, signature, you perform a basic bow attack that does +1 hit and has +1 spaces range.

  • Long shot 2: 2 charges, signature, you perform a basic bow attack that does +2 hit and has +2 spaces range.

  • Long shot 3: 3 charges, you perform a basic bow attack that does +3 hit and has +3 spaces range.

  • Long shot 4: 4 charges, signature, you perform a basic bow attack that does +4 hit and has +4 spaces range.

  • Long shot 5: 5 charges, signature, you perform a basic bow attack that does +5 hit and has +5 spaces range.

  • Borrow technique 1, 2 charges: you gain access to the level 1 sniper free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.

  • Borrow technique 2, 3 charges: you gain access to the level 2 sniper free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.

  • Borrow technique 3, 4 charges: you gain access to the level 3 sniper free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.

  • Borrow technique 4, 5 charges: you gain access to the level 4 sniper free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.

  • Borrow technique 5, 6 charges: you gain access to the level 5 sniper free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.


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