The element fire
Fire is one of the four base elements said to compose all of reality. Bright and burning, fleeting in its dancing from, yet ever eager to grow and rise again, fire is representative of not only visible flames, but heat, progress, sudden disaster or decline and eventual rebirth. To those that believe fire is one of the basic building blocks of reality, its influence can be found in maelstrom, water, magma, the dry unyielding desert, and in any source of light.
Cult of the elementalist: fire denomination
Members of the cult of elementalist may revere fire above all of the other elements or have joined or been born into a society who's reverence for fire predates modern elementalism. If the latter is the case, they come from a group of nomadic communities that follow brush fires across the plains they typically inhabit. Favoring hunting and gathering over trading for food or establishing temporary farms, the nomads are happy to share celebration and shelter with any they encounter. They rarely fight but when they do they are fierce and well coordinated, their movements almost like that of a dance. To them the meaning of life is to travel and settle together, beating back the night with trade and cheer where-ever they spread. They always have a fire burning in their camps except in times of war (when it is often the enemies encampment that is burning), sleeping in shifts to accomplish this. While they value the more "positive" qualities of fire such as its warmth and light, they can harness its destructive power just as easilly.
Classes associated with fire
As a magical class you can generally spend your turn (spending your turn Immediately ends it, not allowing you to do anything else) on one of three things.​​
A "basic magic attack". Do 1 hit of damage associated with your classes element to an enemy up to 12 spaces away so long as you do not move more than 3 spaces on the turn you use it.
A "basic spell". spend elemental charges (the main resource that is spent on abilities) to do damage associated with that element to an entity within 6 spaces. 1 charge for 3 damage 2 for 5 and 3 for 6.
Spend elemental charges on "spells" from your classes spell list. The cost of each spell is also listed, rules for casting spells with multiple charge types are described in how to play-multi class benefits. Additive spells allow you to cast one other spell along side of it, spending your turn casting both simultaneously. Focus spells allow you to continue part or all of the effect on subsequent turns, spending one charge of any type but not spending your turn on that effect other than the turn you initially cast the spell. Spells have a range of 6 spaces unless stated otherwise and their damage type corresponds to their element.
Fire mage:
Leveling benefit:
level 1 +3 fire charges
level 2 +3 fire charges
level 3 +2 fire charges
level 4 +3 fire charges
level 5 +2 fire charges
Fire spells:
Spread: signature, 1 charge, this spell targets an environmental effect expanding it to the adjacent spaces and reseting the number of turns it lasts. Any enemies already inside the effect or who it expands to suffer the same damage they would on their turn. Any instance of the same environmental effect (eg manifest flame or water) counts as the same environmental effect for this purpose.
Manifest flame: 1 charge, signature, additive, set a flame on one space, if an entity is on or walks into that space they take 1 hit. at the start of their turn, an entity on a manifested flame takes 1 hit for every turn they have started on a flame. This number resets as they move onto a space without flame. Manifested flames last two turns normally but will persist as long as an entity occupies their space.
Burn: 2 charges, 2 enemies takes two hits and the burn status effect is applied to them. Burn is a status effect that does 2 hits to each enemy effected at the start of their turn, and each instance of it persists as long as you focus. All enemies already burning when this spell is cast take 1 hit.
Blind: 2 charges, a sharp burst of white flame manifests, it cannot appear on the same square as an enemy but it blinds all enemies within one square of it for a turn.
Wild fire: signature, 3 charges, all enemies on a flame become burned, and all burned enemies leave flames behind on any space they move into until your next turn. This does not count as walking into a flame, but can cause them to start their next turn on one.
Engulf: 4 charges, an enemy is consumed by flame, taking 5 hits, they are blind and distracted. If they are burned they are blind and distracted as long as they burn.
Incinerate: 5 charges, signature, destroy an enemy with 20 max hp or less.
Inferno: 5 charges, additive, 15 connected spaces, deal one damage and burn them if an entity is present within the space, set a flame if there is no entity in the space.
St Elmo’s fire: signature, focus, 2 charges, fire and moon, an entity is wreathed in ghostly fire, each turn one of their elemental charges is consumed by the blaze. The effects of this spell end your next turn unless this spell is focused on or the entity is burning.
Freeze flame: signature, 2 charges, ice and fire, an entity takes 2 damage then an additional 2 damage for each status effect and environmental effect they are under.
Eruption: 5 charges, rock and fire, any in a 3 space by 3 space square take 5 hits. They take 5 hits if they start their turn there turn there or move on to it. This environmental effect lasts for 3 turns.
Starlight: focus, 5 charges, sky and fire, if this spell is used during the, day deal 2 hits to all enemies each turn. If used during the night it becomes light as day. This effect ends your next turn without focus, cannot use if the sky is not exposed.
Boil: additive, 3 charges, water and fire, deal 12 to an entity if it is in water at the start of your next turn or 8 to all units that are in a specific body of water (connected spaces with the water environmental effect) at the start of your next turn.
Armageddon: signature, 4 charges, rock ice fire and water, 4 hits to all enemies, or 16 to a single one.
Black hole: 8 charges, all elements, kill all enemies with under 50 max hit points.
As a physical class you can generally spend your turn (spending your turn Immediately ends it, not allowing you to do anything else) on one of three things.​
Do a “basic attack” that has different properties based on the weapon involved.
Use a “free technique”, that does not require spending charges to use but may not be accessible until you reach a certain level in your class. Free techniques labeled as passive are always in effect, and you do not need to spend a turn or even "use" them. Other free techniques that are exceptions will specify that they do not require spending a turn.
Use a “charge technique”, which requires you to spend charges to activate and has a damage type corresponding to your classes element. The cost of each charge technique is listed, rules for using charge techniques when you have multiple charge types are described in how to play. charge techniques that are exceptions will specify that they do not require spending a turn
Level 1 +3 fire charges
Level 2 once per battle when your health would be reduced below one it is reduced to one instead
Level 3 +2 fire charges
Level 4 Twice per battle (total) when your health would be reduced below one it is reduced to one instead
Level 5 +2 fire charges
Basic attacks:
Concealed dagger: 2 hits to an entity within 1 space of you, 5 hits the first time you hit a specific entity with it.
Free techniques:
Level 1 allure: enemies must use their movement to approach you if you are within 6 spaces of them. After using this ability, you cannot do so for your next two turns.
Level 2 dance: distract all enemies within 3 spaces of you. You can only use this ability if you have not moved this turn.
Level 3 passive, grace: you take 3 less hits from melee attacks.
Level 4 inspire: allies within 2 spaces do an additional 2 hits every time they do damage until your next turn.
Level 5 opus: you become the center of attention, all enemy attacks are directed towards you until your next turn. Enemies that could not attack you even if they used their full movement to reach you can attack and act normally, otherwise they must attack you or forego attacking. In terms of attacks that can hit multiple players, attacks that target an area still must have that area include you, and attacks that are not aimed but effect all within a distance of the user also must include you if possible, but any other players can be effected by these so long as you are as well.
Charge techniques:
Flame dance 1: 1 charge, signature, deal 1 hit to all enemies within 1 space. You can use this ability without spending your turn if you spend your turn on a dancer free technique (in other words you can use this technique and a dancer free technique on the same turn).
Flame dance 2: 2 charges, signature, deal 2 hits to all enemies within 2 spaces. You can use this ability without spending your turn if you spend your turn on a dancer free technique.
Flame dance 3: 3 charges, 3 hits to all enemies within 3 spaces. You can use this ability without spending your turn if you spend your turn on a dancer free technique.
Flame dance 4: 4 charges, signature 4 hits to all enemies within 3 spaces. You can use this ability without spending your turn if you spend your turn on a dancer free technique.
Flame dance 5: 5 charges, signature 4 hits to all enemies within 4 spaces. You can use this ability without spending your turn if you spend your turn on a dancer free technique.
Borrow technique 1, 2 charges: you gain access to the level 1 dancer free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.
Borrow technique 2, 3 charges: you gain access to the level 2 dancer free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.
Borrow technique 3, 4 charges: you gain access to the level 3 dancer free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.
Borrow technique 4, 5 charges: you gain access to the level 4 dancer free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.
Borrow technique 5, 6 charges: you gain access to the level 5 dancer free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.