The element rock
Rock is one of the four base elements said to compose all of reality. The most solid of the base four, difficult to break or shatter and near impossible to destroy, unyielding in its shape and slow, perhaps indefinitely so, to form, rock is representative of not only the substance itself, but indeed substance itself, anything solid and impassible, and permanent being said to owe rock its existences. To those that believe rock is one of the basic building blocks of reality, its influence can be found in crystal, moon, magma, mountainous terrain, and in most physical substances to some degree, from earth, to mud, to metal.
Cult of the elementalist: rock denomination
Members of the cult of elementalist may revere rock above all of the other elements or have joined or been born into a society who's reverence for rock predates modern elementalism. Living in cities carved of rock within the base of cliffs or mountains as elaborate as they are confining, those that have long revered rock are a close knit lot that have minimal contact with the outside world. While there are areas near the outskirts of the city where large holes in the side let in light and fresh air, allowing crops to grow even, this is generally not enough to provide comfort to those who have lived their lives beneath an unobstructed sky. While contact with the outside world is minimal, contact between different areas of the city are easy, the possibility of fully three dimensional city panning allowing for a large population over a small area with travel between columns of living space made easy at any level via tunnel. Their warriors are skilled in the use of many weapons given the vastness of material supplies and thus variety in weapons.
Classes associated with rock
As a magical class you can generally spend your turn (spending your turn Immediately ends it, not allowing you to do anything else) on one of three things.​​
A "basic magic attack". Do 1 hit of damage associated with your classes element to an enemy up to 12 spaces away so long as you do not move more than 3 spaces on the turn you use it.
A "basic spell". spend elemental charges (the main resource that is spent on abilities) to do damage associated with that element to an entity within 6 spaces. 1 charge for 3 damage 2 for 5 and 3 for 6.
Spend elemental charges on "spells" from your classes spell list. The cost of each spell is also listed, rules for casting spells with multiple charge types are described in how to play-multi class benefits. Additive spells allow you to cast one other spell along side of it, spending your turn casting both simultaneously. Focus spells allow you to continue part or all of the effect on subsequent turns, spending one charge of any type but not spending your turn on that effect other than the turn you initially cast the spell. Spells have a range of 6 spaces unless stated otherwise and their damage type corresponds to their element.
Rock mage:
Leveling benefits:
level 1 +3 rock charges
level 2 +3 rock charges
level 3 +2 rock charges
level 4 +3 rock charges
level 5 +2 rock charges
Rock spells:
Aftershock: 1 charge, signature, any entity in a space that an entity was damaged by you during after your last turn, takes that same amount of damage.
Crush: 1 charges, signature, an enemy is crushed by surrounding stone dealing 4 hits, it rises from the earth if none is apparent.
Spire: 2 charges, signature, a stalagmite like spire rises from the ground creating a physical barrier 3 squares wide at base and one going up 30ft vertically, the central square cannot be seen or attacked through, and the other two act as cover. If this spire is destroyed with crack, instead of the normal effect, any within ten feet of any of the spires 3 squares take 10 hits and any on the two that count as cover take 15 hits.
Crack: 3 charges, additive, destabilize stone, destroying the rock a space contains at the start of your next turn. if the ground in that space is made of rock or there is enough a large enough rock to block access to that space. Any entity within that space at the start of your next turn takes 8 hits and any entity within 1 space of it takes 4 hits from shrapnel.
Petrify: 4 charges, signature, an enemy is incapacitated for 40 turns divided by its max health. Round down, if it would be incapacitated for zero turns it is not incapacitated at all. You may spend the equivalent of two turns after the initial cast on the spell to petrify them permanently, these two turns do not count against the number it will stay petrified under normal circumstances.
Rolling stone: 4 charges, call a 4 space by 4 space square of Rolling Stones to trip enemies as they roll across the field, moving 2 spaces at the start of your turn and as soon as you cast the spell. Any entities that come into contact with the rolling stones lose their movement for their current turn or their next one if it is not their turn. They continue until they are obstructed.
Earthquake: 5 charges, all enemies take 2 hits and lose their next turns movement.
Sink hole: 5 charges, a 2 space by 3 space rectangle becomes 5 ft lower than the ground dealing 5 hits to entities within it. The units in question are incapacitated for one turn, and constrained within the sinkhole. Any entity that enters it after it forms is not damaged or incapacitated but is constrained within the spaces.
Eruption: 5 charges, rock and fire, any in a 3 space by 3 space square take 5 hits. They take 5 hits if they start their turn there or willingly move on to the environmental effects. The environmental effect lasts for 3 turns.
Meteor: 5 charges, sky and earth, deal 15 hits on a 2 space by 2 space square.
Mudslide: 3 charges, water and earth, move all occupants of a 3 space by 4 space rectangle directly in front of you 4 spaces, they take 4 hits.
Moon stone: 2 charges, rock and moon, either a single rock begins to glow with a pale light, or all rocks within six spaces of you do, former continues as long as you will it and it remains within 6 spaces, the second only for as long as you focus. A rock destroyed with crack this way does moon damage as well as rock and an additional 4 hits to all effected. This is an additive spell.
Armageddon: 4 charges, rock ice fire and water, 4 hits to all enemies, or 16 to a single one.
Black hole: 8 charges, all elements, kill all enemies with under 50 max hit points.
As a physical class you can generally spend your turn (spending your turn Immediately ends it, not allowing you to do anything else) on one of three things.​
Do a “basic attack” that has different properties based on the weapon involved.
Use a “free technique”, that does not require spending charges to use but may not be accessible until you reach a certain level in your class. Free techniques labeled as passive are always in effect, and you do not need to spend a turn or even "use" them. Other free techniques that are exceptions will specify that they do not require spending a turn.
Use a “charge technique”, which requires you to spend charges to activate and has a damage type corresponding to your classes element. The cost of each charge technique is listed, rules for using charge techniques when you have multiple charge types are described in how to play. charge techniques that are exceptions will specify that they do not require spending a turn
Level 1 +3 rock charges
Level 2 +1 hit to attacks on enemies within 3 spaces
Level 3 +2 charges
Level 4 +1 hit to attacks on enemies within 3 spaces
Level 5 +2 charges
Basic attacks:
Sword attack: deal four hits to an entity within 1 space of you.
Spear attack: deals 3 hits within 2 spaces, you may also hit an enemy between the space you occupy and one 2 spaces away at the same time.
Heavy bow attack: deals 3 hits to an enemy within 3 spaces.
Free techniques:
Level 1 passive, stance shift: changing equipment does not spend your turn. Once you have used 3 weapons in a battle regain 3 charges of the element of you choice.
Level 2 block and counter: if you equip a sword and shield you can “block”, halving all non environmental damage till your next turn. Cannot use on a turn you move more than 3 spaces. You may, if you take damage from an enemy within 1 space of you, choose to “counter” performing a basic melee attack with your equipped weapon on that enemy even if it is not your turn. If you do so the “block” ends, any further damage you take is not halved, and you cannot counter again until you enter the “block” state again.
Level 3 charge and lunge: if you move only in a line, you can spend your turn charging, this gives 2 spaces more to your normal range of movement. If you have a spear equipped or equip one, you can also "lunge" doing a spear melee attack on an enemy 3 spaces away rather than 2. You can hit enemies in a line that connects you and one 3 spaces away as well. You can charge and lunge as long as you move at least 2 spaces.
Level 4 run and gun: you can move even after doing a ranged attack if you have not used all of your movement.
Level 5 stand and slash: if holding a sword in two hands, add +5 hits to the damage of your attack, you cannot do this after moving.
Charge techniques:
Fortify metal 1: 1 charge, signature +2 hit to a weapon attack after all other modifiers.
Fortify metal 2: 2 charges, signature, +4 hit to a weapon attack after all other modifiers.
Fortify metal 3: 3 charges, +6 hit to a melee weapon attack after all other modifiers.
Fortify metal 4: signature, 3 charges, +8 hit to a melee weapon attack after all other modifiers.
Fortify metal 5: 5 charges, signature +10 hit to a melee weapon attack after all other modifiers.​
Borrow technique 1, 2 charges: you gain access to the level 1 armsman free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.
Borrow technique 2, 3 charges: you gain access to the level 2 armsman free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.
Borrow technique 3, 4 charges: you gain access to the level 3 armsman free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.
Borrow technique 4, 5 charges: you gain access to the level 4 armsman free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.
Borrow technique 5, 6 charges: you gain access to the level 5 armsman free technique for the duration of a battle regardless of class or level.